Tele Consultation Online

Create your own personal treatment plan in just 5 minutes!

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With the Virtual Patient System, you can have access to a virtual doctor who utilizes AI to provide personalized medical advice based on your health records. Once you register and receive a personal PIN via SMS, you can access this service online 24/7.

To register please send an email to We will send you further information.

You are welcome to test our system anonymously by asking any dental or plastic surgery-related questions in any language. Within five minutes, you will receive treatment advice through a link.

Please note that the responses provided in the anonymous version are general and do not take into account the individual’s medical history or the doctor’s specific expertise or preferred implant system, unlike the Virtual Patient System.

We are working on expanding the system to include more medical specialties.

Teleconsultation Reloaded

Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical University Vienna 1997

The Pioneer of Augmented Reality Image-Guided Surgery

Computer-guided surgery is an advanced and precise technique that facilitates minimally invasive dental implant surgery. Dr. Michael Truppe has invented this groundbreaking technology, having developed the first-ever image-guided surgery system (Virtual Patient System) utilizing augmented reality and head-mounted display visualization.

First Image-Guided Surgery with Augmented Reality Conducted

The first worldwide image-guided surgery with augmented reality visualization was successfully performed 1997 at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna (Head Prof. Rolf Ewers). The innovative system, which utilizes optical sensors, video streams of the operating field visualized in the head-mounted display, and computer software to guide surgical instrument navigation using preoperative radiography images, has earned Dr. Truppe several patents in the USA (

Teleconsultation with Keio University, Tokyo

During the ICOMS conference in 2005, two esteemed Japanese specialists, Professor Hiromasa Kawana from Keio University in Tokyo and Professor Hiroshi Asaka, participated in surgical operations that were connected to the congress through real-time IP-based teleconsultation. At the time, the use of 4 Mbit/s in this innovation was groundbreaking due to the minimal bandwidth required, as stated in the Telekom Austria Press Release.

Austrian Science Fund

Project P 12464 The Optical Interface for Augmented Reality in Computer Assisted Navigation and 3D Visualization in Surgery

Dr. Truppe’s research has been supported by the FWF (Austrian Science Fund, Project P 12464 The Optical Interface for Augmented Reality in Computer-assisted Navigation and 3D Visualization in Surgery; and DFG (German Research Foundation). His patents and scientific publications have been cited over 2700 times worldwide (,  a testament to his significant impact and influence in the field of computer-guided implantology.

DFG Project: D. Siebert, „Ein Meßsystem zur präoperativen Planung und intraoperativen Kontrolle von Dysgnathieoperationen,“ Medizinische Fakultät Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medizinische Fakultät Charité, Berlin, 2002.

FWF Project: PDF download P 12464

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